Breath of Life – Revitalizing Breathwork Workshop


Special Guest

May is a time of new life, renewal, and ALIVENESS! I’m excited to guide you on an inner journey of awakening, life, and renewal through the power of your breath. Your breath is healing elixir that has the power to restore and optimize mind, body, and spirit. Your breath is the link between the body and mind and the essence of life itself!

Your breath is the key to break through the old patterns and beliefs that aren’t serving you and step into the person you want to be!

The most transformational part of healing happens in the BEING. It happens in the stillness. It happens when you stop DOING and simply breathe.

With every exhale you release old behaviors, limiting beliefs, and old habits that don’t serve you.

With every inhale you call in what you want to attract, what you desire, how you want to show up in the world.

It really is that simple: breathwork is the key to your physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual well-being.

Details for the workshop:

90-minute guided breathwork journey


$35 early bird / $45 week of

It will consist of somatic embodiment practices, transformative music, guided breathwork, and meditation. If you’re on the journey of self-healing and transformation, this experience is for you!

Within the breath is the secret of life itself. It is the secret to changing the state of your thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and vitality. The only problem is that no one has ever taught us how to utilize this power. -Rajshree Patel