Ayurveda Home Remedies – for the kiddos!

Last week one of my very best friends contacted me because her 11-month-old son had been diagnosed with Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome (it’s not as bad as it sounds!) and she wanted to know if I could recommend a home remedy. The pediatrician said that this virus was not something that could be treated and that it would go away on its own within 15-60 days. It wasn’t as bothersome to her son as it was to her. If you’re a parent, you know how difficult it is to just “wait it out” and not try to do something to help, right?!

Day One
ben 2

At the time I had never heard of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome but after much research, I found that it is very common in children as young as 1.5 months. It is a reaction on the skin to a viral infection and is harmless and oral antihistamines can be given for symptomatic relief of itching.

After much research, it was very clear to me what I would do if I were treating my own child using Ayurvedic principles. To reduce the Pitta in the rakta dhatu and to balance the excess pitta in the liver. I suggested she reduce all foods that are pungent and that she try a cooling herbal juice or shake for her son consisting of the following herbs: one large bunch of fresh cilantro, cumin, fennel, and coriander powder. She added a banana (go mommy!) to this and gave it to him once a day for 3 days. The results are amazing!

This photo shows day one, day two, and day three!


Remarkable difference and this is why I LOVE practicing Ayurveda!  Thanks, Jenny for letting me share! Your little sweet Ben is so precious! I love y’all dearly!


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